Are We Enough?
A Mother’s love is [a] dangerous, revolutionary love that unites our one human family and reminds us that we belong to each other and that there is no such thing as other people’s children. […]

Taking Stock: 500 Days of Summer
Today it is 500 days. 500 days of summer, 500 days since we left home. Though I am not really sure where “home” is anymore. 500 days since we left the life that we knew behind. 500 days since we left our jobs, our family and friends, 500 days without a fixed address; 500 days […]

The Travel Essential
We have been asked a few times recently what our travel essentials are. I assume that the answer people are looking for is what we carry in our bags. The sharp Opinel knife that we cannot live without, the all-important toilet roll, what brand of sleeping bag we use, what backpacks are the best for […]

Journey to the East Awards – The Best in Travel
When we were on the plane a couple of weeks ago, they were showing a documentary on the house of Christian Dior, giving some background history and the story of the young Belgian designer who took over after John Galliano’s infamous rant. I was not really paying attention, until an old interview segment with Dior […]

Journey to the East Awards – The Best in Food
What are the flavours and food moments you remember most from your travels? Usually it comes down to the very good and the very very bad. There was so much excitement, so much hope when we saw that sign for Chinese food shining in the dark at a crossroad in Mandalay. Oh it was delicious, MSG-laden […]

Taking Stock: 306 Days On The Road
“Don’t Cry. Don’t Cry,” I kept telling myself as the lump in my throat rose higher and my heart bounced. Not wanting to raise the immigration lady’s suspicion for any other reason than having made it. Maaade it! To our destination by land. After 306 days on the road, we arrived in Hong Kong, the […]

Where Are You Really From?
Taken circa 1985 with my Italian Nonna at the aptly named “Universo” bagno in Carrara, Italy. Where are you really from? … And then they all went, “aaaah…..”. Never before have I been so confronted with a daily question of choosing a label, choosing a place, a culture, a name. Have you ever been asked […]

A Letter to My Travelling Partner(s)
Travelling alone is peaceful. Moments where you are free to think, to soak it in and digest it with a space all to yourself. People are more likely to approach the lone traveller, less intimidating in their vulnerability, alone in a foreign place. You may meet more people, experience kindness and return knowing more about […]

Taking Stock: 200 Days on the Road
We have made it. 200 days on the road. 4800 hours of travelling, exploring and living in 16 countries. More than 12000 km of rocky roads, smooths highways, dirt paths and wooden bridges. We have slept in about 97 different beds, some soft, some hard, some bedbug-free, others outside under the stars. We have ridden […]

Taking Stock: 100 Days on the Road
Around every three days I wonder if all this is really happening. We have been on the road for 100 days. 100 days at home would have involved about 14 weekends, 258 Skype calls for work, 8 Parvis St.Gilles market visits, 32 supermarket drop-ins, countless dinners with friends, 98 salads, on average 2 birthday parties […]